Our Team
Giuseppe Tamborrino
Senior Engineer Owner and Founder of To Do Engineering
- EGE-CI 101 Expert in Energy Management, Civil and Industrial sector certified UNICEI 11339 by the TUV;
- EM Energy Manager of public bodies and leading companies in Construction and Transportation
- HSE Manager of Health, Safety and Environment in the workplace
Coordinator and supervisor of the construction management office; - Technical administrative inspector of public works;
- Plant designer specialized in the production of energy from high power renewable sources;
- Lecturer for several courses on safety in the workplace
- Speaker for Conferences on Environmental Protection, Sustainable Development and Circular Economy;
1st level University Master in Wood Engineering at University of Bologna; - Graduated in Civil Engineering at University of Ancona.
Rossella Nigro
Civil / Environmental Engineer
- Project Manager Assistant;
- Expert in Environmental Impact Assessments, Environmental Feasibility Studies (VIA, VAS, AIA) and landscape;
- Energy certifier for public and private buildings;
- Technical coordinator of the competition office.
Savino Tria
Senior surveyor
- Permitting Manager for building practices (C.I.L., C.I.L.A., S.C.I.A., Build);
- Expert in technical and administrative functions (real estate estimates and valuations, appraisals and consultancy);
- Land surveyor and existing building structures (topographic surveys, cadastral practices, subdivisions, map types);
Lorenzo Antinora
Senior architect
- Architectural designer for public and private buildings;
- Designer for the renovation and restoration of historical and artistic heritage;
- 3D Expert/ BIM CAD designer;
- Operational director of construction sites in the public and private sectors with experience of work measurement and accounting.
Adele D’Erchia
Environment and Territory Engineer
- Expert in Sustainable Mobility (PUMS) and Action Plans for Sustainable Energy (SEAP);
- Environmental education teacher for transnational projects;
- ADR Consultant for Road Mode, with Specializations S2 (Gas), SV (Classes miscellaneous), SP (Petroleum Products);
- Author of technical publications including “Thermal Account applications and incentives”(Maggioli Editore);
Antonio Mauro
Environment and Territory Engineer
- Former Adjunct Professor at the University of Basilicata in Maritime and Coastal Engineering;
- Former Researcher at the University of Calabria, Faculty of Hydraulic Engineering for the Environment and the Territory;
- Specialized in technical and economic feasibility studies particularly at the use of liquid and gaseous hydrocarbon cultivation products
- Public works inspector, especially gas distribution networks;
- Evaluator and verifier of projects and programs related to environmental, energy and infrastructural activities in the Regional Evaluation and Verification Unit of the Basilicata Region;
- Writer of programmatic documents for Local and Regional Authorities to be valid on EU and national funds.
Giovanni Clemente
Junior IT engineer
- Information systems manager;
Safety Coordinator in the workplace pursuant to Legislative Decree 81/08 e ss.mm.ii .; 81/08 and subsequent amendments; - CTP / CTU Technical Consultant registered within the Court of Taranto;
- Site inspector in the construction management office.
Vito Passarelli
Civil lawyer
- Specialized in corporate law, labor law and tax law;
- Expert in contracts, litigation and relations with the PA;
- Corporate lawyer;
- Race office manager
Donato Scarati
Chartered accountant
- Administrative Manager;
- Tax accountant and tax consultant;
- Editor of Economic and Financial Plans, business plans and decisions investment;
- Graduated from the Cattolica University of Milan.
Domenica Perrone
Senior accountant
- Administrative employee
- Secretary;
- Problem solver;
- Social Media Manager